How the fuck did I let over two years pass without updating this? Dean! Dean, my favorite porn star. Dean, who my inner porn star is- who comes out when me and Albert get down and dirty. Dean, who…. just makes me so hard. Anyway, the videos are uploaded, and I’ll let you go and… load-up yourself. Enjoy!
Welcome to the first post made to the now well over a year old feature, Porn Star Saturdays. I made this post way back in March 2010 and decided it was time to update it with some hot new videos.
That being said…
Dean Monroe.
Without a doubt one of my favorite porn stars. This 5’11” Greek beauty is by far one of the most passionate men in the industry. Dean always seems that he is really into his partner, no matter who it is. A lot of times when I watch porn there is no chemistry, and thats ok sometimes. With Dean though, its like the only person in the world that matters is the guy (and often guys) he is with. Dean often appears in scenes with – how do I put this?- more than one man. When asked what he would do if he directed an adult feature Dean stated, “I would love to organize a scene with a group of real professional bodybuilders in a gym changing room all lined up with me on the receiving end.” That pretty much most of the scenes I’ve watched with Dean in them.
Kevin Crows Dean Monroe brought to you by PornHub
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A little about Dean: In a interview I read Dead stated his favorite food is pizza, his idea of a romantic evening involves champagne and a bath tub and loves a man with a great smile. When asked about his most embarassing moment in porn Dean said, “Probably when I shot Cross Country in New Zealand. Most of the film was shot out on location. I had to go and clean up after the scene and decided to wander down to the lake close to where we were. Unknown to me there were some tourists as well, checking out the lake, and I ran right into them naked and covered in my co stars sperm. I think they were more shocked than me though.” I hate when that happens!
Dean got into the business a number of years ago when his boyfriend at the time sent a picture of him, without his knowledge, to a gay magazine in London where he lives. The magazine just happened to be involved with the casting of a film and the rest is right there for us to see!
Dean also wrote and recorded the single “Closer to you” which was released in April of 2009. Its a pretty decent song actually- you can find it on Itunes.
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In the closing of the interview, Dean was given the chance to say anything he wanted to the readers. He had this to say: “OK remember guys, You can look good on the outside but the inside is what really counts. Ive met a lot of hot men in my time doing porn and found that the really special and successful ones are those who combine hot looks with an even warmer heart. Ive always said you can tell a man from his eyes and smile… so keep smiling.”
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